The Red Rooster Coffee House has been intentionally building community in Aberdeen for over 25 years. Founded by brother and sister Dan and Kileen Cleberg, they knew that if serving great coffee, food and drink made a solid foundation then a gift shop with a humanitarian mission, an expansive used bookstore and a cozy atmosphere were perfect additions to facilitate friendly interactions.
Best known as a hub of creativity with live music, film, an art gallery, DJs and karaoke, dances and theme parties, writing projects, a knitting club and more under its roof, the Red Rooster overflows with arts and culture.
The Clebergs created a place for everyone: all ages, every walk of life, all abilities. A while ago, an NSU student came to the the coffee house to observe for a business class. Eventually she confessed what she was doing but said she couldn't quite tell who the target market was because all types of people seemed to come and feel at home there. She observed correctly. Because, at the Rooster, you will see the whole gamut: business people, musicians and artists, families with toddlers and babies, doctors and lawyers, retired folks, people with disabilities, etc. And often, if they hang out long enough, they interact with each other and find their lives are enriched by the experience. Many people have discovered caring, creative community on their way to a great cup of coffee.
Our story was well written in Aberdeen Magazine: READ IT HERE
and a great version of our story was written on the Northern Innovation & Startup Center site: READ IT HERE